Why Buy Organic Spices from Kerala?

Why Buy Organic Spices from Kerala?

Since the time immemorial, Kerala has been known across the world for quality organic spices. The climate, nature of soil and geographic specialties make Kerala the best place to grow some of the world’s most in demand organic spices like pepper, cardamom, cinnamon,...
Important and Effective Spices for Depression

Important and Effective Spices for Depression

Depression is a serious condition and can be difficult to treat. The best thing you can do for yourself is find the right treatment options and make sure you take care of yourself. One way to help with depression is by changing your diet. In India for centuries spices...
Cinnamon powder or sticks, which is better?

Cinnamon powder or sticks, which is better?

Cinnamon sticks and powder both have their use case scenarios and both of them are unique in their in own ways. The difference between them is in convenience and taste, not health benefits. To make sure you’re using the best type of cinnamon for your recipe, check the...
Surprising Health Benefits of Cloves

Surprising Health Benefits of Cloves

Cloves are one of the most popular spices in the world. They have been used since ancient times as a spice for both food and medicine. But did you know that these wonderful cloves have some fantastic health benefits? Clove is a spice that has a remarkable effect on...